

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Los Angeles members

Iyengar Yoga Association of Los Angeles (IYALA)
Notice of Dues Increase – January 2018

Beginning on January 1, 2018, the annual dues for the IYALA will be $85. This includes the $40 membership fee for the national organization, IYNAUS (Iyengar Yoga National Association of the US), and the $45 dues for the regional dues.

The benefits of being a member include:

  • Automatic membership in the Iyengar Yoga National Association of the US
  • Free community events, including members’ workshops
  • Discounts on classes and Iyengar books at the Los Angeles Institute
  • Subscriptions to the bi-annual Yoga Samachar national magazine and the Yoga Vidya regional journal
  • Privileges to the Karen O’Bannon Memorial Library at the Institute, consisting of books, videos, CDs and DVDs
  • Peace of mind and a warm heart for supporting the teachers and students of Iyengar yoga, and the dissemination of B.K.S. Iyengar’s wisdom, both in Southern California and globally.

The dues increase in 2018 will provide:

  • Greater opportunities for IYALA to provide free workshops and other events for our members
  • Expansion of the lending library currently housed at the Iyengar Yoga Institute of Los Angeles (IYILA)
  • Increased support for educational resources for Iyengar Yoga teachers and students

For those with existing membership in IYALA, the new rate will apply with your next renewal on or after January 1, 2018.  If you are not already a member, please consider joining the IYALA to support the dissemination and promotion of the art, science and philosophy of Yoga according to the teachings of Yogacharya B.K.S. Iyengar.

​To renew your membership or join as a new member, go to
https://secure.iynaus.org/join.php and be sure to indicate IYALA (Los Angeles) as your regional affiliation.

Sign up here for an Iyengar Association of Los Angeles membership.

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